Our Founding Member, Barbara Hemphill, shares her 3 strategies for how to thrive during this Pandemic:
2) My mission
3) My plan
Strategy 1 to thrive in this pandemic
My Relationships
Now is the time to decide where we put our faith since it is evident that many of the beliefs and institutions on which we counted are not stable. It is foolish to ignore the fact that I will die someday. What belief do I hold that will make the rest of my days on this earth bearable, or better yet, joyful? Are there people I need to forgive or thank?
Strategy 2 to thrive in this pandemic
My Mission
What do I want people to remember about me? What do I want to accomplish in this life? As Proverbs states, "Without a vision, the people perish." Answering these questions requires quiet time, which is more available now than ever in my life. Instead of watching the news, which only creates fear, I can spend time in Bible study, prayer, and meditation, which offer me peace and hope.
Strategy 3 to thrive in this pandemic
My Plan
My company, Productive Environment Institute, uses a five-step plan for helping our clients
move forward in their mission:
1) State your vision;
2) Identify your obstacles;
3) Commit your resources;
4) Design and execute your plan; and
5) Sustain your success.
Notice the common word in each of these five steps is "your." God created each of us with the desire that we accomplish our work and enjoy our lives. One caution: The most challenging step is #5: Sustain your success. Very few, if any, of my plans worked out the first time, but if I continue to focus on my vision, I can continue to move forward and encourage others to do the same. Together We Are Better!
Barbara Hemphill
Barbara began her career in the organizing industry in 1978 with a $7 ad in a New York City newspaper. Often referred to as the "Paper Tiger Lady" from her bestselling book Taming the Paper Tiger, she founded the Productive Environment Institute to train and certify consultants in her unique organizing methodology.
Barbara's most recent book, Less Clutter More Life, reveals that physical and digital clutter is emotional and spiritual clutter symptoms. The most common question she gets is, "Where do I start?" The first step to go from Overwhelmed to Optimized is an Assessment — she invites you to visit www.ProductiveEnvironment.com to get your Productive Environment Score in less than 5 minutes.
You can also locate Barbara on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin/in/barbarahemphill/ or her website at https://barbarahemphill.com/
![Barbara Hemphill](https://thecibn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Barbara-Hemphill.jpg)