5 Follow Up Strategies Every Networker Must Know
You changed your shirt and you went to an online networking event and you even managed to get about thirty new connections by the end of the mingling time. It seemed to be a great way to generate new qualified leads but now, what are you going to do with those leads?
Do you know that most people never do anything with them?
If you do something, or even ANYTHING, that will put you into the top 5% of those who follow through. That will give you an advantage over everyone else who was there in your industry.
Here are a few strategies that you can do to get the most out of those leads.
1) LinkedIn
If you do not already have a LinkedIn account, create one immediately. Then add these contacts to your connections. Every time you create a blog or an email campaign with tips, you can then post those pieces of content on LinkedIn and expose your connections to your perfectly worded and beautifully crafted message all about you and your unique offering. Then are then likely to follow you on additional social networks!
2) Be Proactive
Did you ask the connection if you could send them an email with some information about what you do? If you did not, then you need to call them and ask them if you can. That is how permission based emailing works. Simply ask them, they seldom say “no.” In fact, I don’t remember anyone ever saying “no.” Once they have said “yes” and they have given you their email, they have opted in for you to send them a nice professional email where you can have “click throughs” that offer additional information about what you do. You can tell by who clicked through if they are at all interested in your services. You now have permission and can send them future communications and tips to begin building a relationship with them by adding value to your content.
3) Follow the Connection on Social Media
Know your future clients by “liking” them on Facebook, following them on Twitter, and connecting with them on LinkedIn. When they say something interesting make a comment and let them know that you like it. That causes them to open up more and grow in relationship. It takes 7 – 14 touches to get a sale. Every touch, makes them like you more and it becomes easy to communicate further.
4) Get Personal
Send the connection a personal hand-written card or note. Few people take the time to do this; it immediately puts you ahead of the herd. A great card program is Banner Season, this automates your card and appreciation gift sending and keeps new leads in a CRM with your sending history.
5) Do your Homework
Have a look at your connection's website and learn about their product or service. Then call them up or use (LinkedIn to message them) and tell them that you have looked at it and that you are impressed with (whatever you liked) and tell them that you would like to learn more about what they do. Arrange a time to meet for coffee. Book the appointment.
If you follow the above pattern for follow up and make calls regularly, you will never have an empty calendar, a boring life, or an empty bank account. Make those connections.
- By Kerry George (linkedin.com/in/kerrygeorge)
![Kerry George Square Kerry George heart of networking](https://thecibn.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Kerry-George-Square.png)
As the CEO at CIBN Connect, Kerry George inspires business owners with vision and passion and allows them to thrive in every circumstance.
Kerry is a professional networker who has attended over 6000 networking meetings and has been a keynote speaker for hundreds of online and live events.
As you can imagine, a few things have gone wrong in running that many events. Kerry always keeps a sense of humor during the chaos, which has allowed her to continuously be in good spirits to help other entrepreneurs work through their stuff. (linkedin.com/in/kerrygeorge)