Event Partnership is a very special opportunity for those who are looking to grow their audience and pick up new clients locally, regionally and internationally.
We have some guarantees
Unlike other types of sponsorship opportunities CIBN Connect offers a few key guarantees:
- You will get the chats and all of the contact information from everyone in the chats over the course of the four day summit. This gives a great advantage to follow up with the attendees.
- We build a questionnaire that we will give to those who register, whether they attend or not. In this questionnaire we fashion the questions to determine whether or not each registrant is an ideal candidate for you to set an appointment with. The responses are saved in a spreadsheet that we will then share directly with our Event Partners.
- 6 month membership so if the event does not work out as planned there is a method of recouping the expense through gathering clients from the greater network.
It is time to do something different to get different results!
You missed out!
Option #1
- Logos on event material and registration pages. ($250 Value)
- Access to the questionnaire survey results where customers have been targeted with direct questions about my offer. ($200 Value)
- You can add your special offer to the VIP Upgrade and get the list of those who took the VIP Upgrade. ($1000 Value)
- All of the chats where attendees have shared their contact information, even if you were not there in person. (Unknown and potentially unlimited value)
- 3 minute promo spot during one of the networking events. (Commercial value $250)
- The full VIP package with all of the upgrades, special events and Speaker/Partner offers for your own enjoyment and use. ($ 7000 Value)
- Networking during the event. ($50 Value)
- Posts made about your company and offer 20 times to our larger network. ($150 Value)
- 6 months membership with CIBN Connect. ($462 Value)
Only $997
Option #2
- Logos on event material and registration pages. ($250 Value)
- Access to the questionnaire survey results where customers have been targeted with direct questions about my offer. ($200 Value)
- You can add your special offer to the VIP Upgrade and get the list of those who took the VIP Upgrade. ($1000 Value)
- All of the chats where attendees have shared their contact information, even if you were not there in person. (Unknown and potentially unlimited value)
- 3 minute promo spot during one of the networking events. (Commercial value $250)
- The full VIP package with all of the upgrades, special events and Speaker/Partner offers for your own enjoyment and use. ($ 7000 Value)
- Networking during the event. ($50 Value)
- Posts made about your company and offer 20 times to our larger network. ($150 Value)
- 6 months membership with CIBN Connect. ($462 Value)
- We will do a half hour interview with you before the summit and add it to the CIBN TV YouTube channel for ongoing promotion.
- A book is going to be made from the transcripts of the live event and we will feature either your story of up to 1500 words in the book, or a two page advertisement spread.
Only $1997
What comes with the 6 months of networking with CIBN Connect?
You can use this yourself, give it away, or make it a prize.
There are amazing webinars, video courses, e-books, white papers, cohorts, special sessions and so much more covering 7 areas of expertise that will shape your 2022 year and it is all free!

This is a glorious opportunity to be part of something very special.
Copyright - CIBN Connect 2022