Goal Setting for Success
We have all created goals before, but many people do not achieve the goals that they set out to accomplish. One of the reasons why this happens is that they fail to revisit those goals. Goal setting includes writing them down or they are not “set,” they are instead floating around in your head or somewhere in the air. “Set” your goals.
Here are 3 great tips to get your goals working for you:
Focus your goals
1. Focus. While you may have many goals that you are working on, try to focus on only one major goal each quarter. That will help you to focus and to accomplish more.
Write your goals
2. Write your goals down. You are 9 times more likely to accomplish them if you write them down. Keep a journal and write in it frequently.
Revisit your goals
3. Revisit your goals regularly. Put up sticky notes where you can see them. Change the background on your computer. Use the keywords of your goals as passwords and don’t save them in your computer so you must write out that goal as a password every time you log into your most used work sites online.
People are sometimes discouraged from goal setting because they failed at some previous goal, but one must realize that it is the act of setting the goals and revisiting them, that makes us a success. It is not the act of accomplishing them on time. While all goals should be time-based, missing them at that time did not signify failure. It signifies that we learned something in the journey and that more time is now necessary to implement what we learned.
How is your year going? Are you where you wanted to be? It is not too late to change your outcomes. You need to make a plan and then stick to the plan. Consider planning your life and your business in 90 day chunks. It is more effective than winging it, or making a year long plan, or worse yet a forgotten resolution every January.
Goal setting is a critical step in your success. Most of us know we should, but we get busy and we don't. Weeks turn into months, months drift into years. Drifting turns into failure. There is no treading water. You either swim to a destination or you drown as a statistic.
The CIBN Quarter Launch is designed to help you get through these challenges successfully. You will:
- Find your focus.
- Discover your life purpose.
- Nail down what motivates you.
- Create affirmations that work.
- Set yourself up for success.
- Build some processes.
- Develop your long-term goals.
- Strategize your next 12 months.
- Build your map for the next 3 months.
- Make a tactical plan for this week.
- Leave with an accountability partner.
Your next 30, 60, and 90 days are critical to your year so make a plan to be a part of the next Quarter Launch by attending it online this January.
- By Kerry George
CIBN Connect hosts over 6000 networking live and online events, and every three months offers Quarter Launch to help business owners gain control over their time management. Watch the EVENT PAGE for upcoming opportunities to attend.

As the CEO at CIBN Connect, Kerry George inspires business owners with vision and passion and allows them to thrive in every circumstance.
Kerry is a professional networker who has attended over 6000 networking meetings and has been a keynote speaker for hundreds of online and live events.
As you can imagine, a few things have gone wrong in running that many events. Kerry always keeps a sense of humor during the chaos, which has allowed her to continuously be in good spirits to help other entrepreneurs work through their stuff. (linkedin.com/in/kerrygeorge)