By Nicki Chang-Powless
Overcoming Challenges in Your Business: Discover 3 steps To Transform a Difficult Situation to Your Advantage
We are human. We aim to do our best.
Situations will happen that are unexpected and out of our control. All the planning in the world would not have
seen it coming. A client once came to me in meltdown mode. Within 30 minutes, I was able to calm them, and we came up with a plan of action. They asked, "How did you do that?" For one, I have many years of business experience to draw from. And two, they were too close to the situation and too emotionally involved. The big question is: How do we best handle difficult situations? Here are 3 steps to make a difficult situation more manageable.
Acknowledge the situation
People want to be heard. Promptly acknowledge that you have listened to them, and you will investigate the situation. It's OK to not have a solution on the spot. By knowing you are taking action is a significant first step. Never ignore the problem. Thank them for bringing it to your attention.
Focus on a solution
The goal is to find a solution with a fair outcome for all sides. Ensure you have all the facts and have spoken to everyone involved before crafting the solution. Take the time to investigate and come up with a plan that will be acceptable to everyone. Look at it from different perspectives and understand its short and long-term impact.
Change the process
Take advantage of the problem and change your approach to prevent it from happening again in the future.
When people see you have taken measures to put together a long-term solution, you will have illustrated your ability to listen and the pride you take in your company's integrity. We are human and not perfect. People will understand. Learn from the experience.
The best way to manage your business is to surround yourself with a strong team, one that understands and supports your vision. It is virtually impossible to run a successful business on your own. You risk getting overwhelmed, and things will start slipping. As your business grows, it's advisable to bring experienced professionals to give you a fresh perspective on your business. Large corporations have a Board of Directors. These are typically individuals from outside the company and even from different industries. They can see things that the management team or owner will miss because they are too close to the situation.
A business owner's purpose is to build a successful business! The goal is to find ways to best spend their time and money while having fun in the process. Suppose you would like to review your business to see how it can be improved? We invite you to a complimentary Breakthrough Business Strategy Session with one of our Business Strategists. We will show you potential next steps with your business.
Let us help you unlock your business potential!
Nicki Chang-Powless
NCP Consulting Services

As the author of “Putting the Pieces Together: Your Survival Guide to the First Five Years in Business,” Nicki works with a team of Business Strategists to guide small business owners onto the fast track to success.
After 23 years of working in the corporate world, Nicki decided to start a new chapter in her life. When people started asking her for help with their business, she quickly realized that her corporate experience was not common-knowledge for small business owners. When Nicki found that over 50% of companies don’t make it to 5 years, her mission became to improve these numbers.
You can find Nicki on LinkedIn at