By: Kerry George
Why Time Block
Time blocking is an excellent tool that I learned from a business coach. Many of us use list to get things done. Who would create this great big list that just keeps getting bigger and bigger and we don't ever get to the bottom of it. We may have 20 things on our list on a given day, and only get three finished. For many business owners it's because we were running around putting out fires all day.
Marketing is something that needs to be done. It's really critical for the success of a growing business. The best way to get marketing projects finished is to do some real time blocking. Are you trying to create an arsenal of Twitter posts? Are you trying to get some blogs written? Are you trying to get a plan in place concerning your marketing? Are you writing a book? These are all projects that time blocking would really help with.
Block Ahead
Get out your calendar and block off 3 hours to work on this project. Block it off about 2 weeks from now during a time of the day when you know that you could have uninterrupted time. You should select the time that the family is not going to need you, or that is not the heaviest part of your work day, or the time of day when you typically have to put out fires.
Fill the Blocks
I like to give myself two weeks to plan what I'm going to do in that time. For example if I'm going to write articles, I spend the next two weeks jotting down ideas about what I'm going to be riding in that time. These days with the smartphones that we carry around with us it is easy to speak a few of these ideas into our phone in our notes, or in a Word document. That way when we get to this appointment that we have booked for our self we have several ideas written down. It's not easy to pick one of those ideas and start speaking the Articles into our phone. In this way you can write for five articles in an hour.
Use the Time
When it is time for you to do your article writing or use your time block, you want to shut your cell phone off. You want to distance yourself from the people and the things that would typically drag you away. You need to train and condition your staff or your family to stay away from you during your time block. I tell my family unless somebody is bleeding, or the house is on fire, I am not to be disturbed. This is how to use your time block effectively and actually work on the project that you had selected.

As the CEO at CIBN Connect, Kerry George inspires business owners with vision and passion and allows them to thrive in every circumstance.
Kerry is a professional networker who has attended over 6000 networking meetings and has been a keynote speaker for hundreds of online and live events.
As you can imagine, a few things have gone wrong in running that many events. Kerry always keeps a sense of humor during the chaos, which has allowed her to continuously be in good spirits to help other entrepreneurs work through their stuff. (